Arthralgia - pain in one or more joints. Autism - an immersion into the world of personal experiences with the weakening or loss of contact with reality. When ashram of the sebaceous glands of the skin forms a secret to accumulating cyst, which can become inflamed and suppurate. Intestinal atresia - congenital absence of part of the intestine, most of the small intestine, causing Transthoracic Echocardiogram obstruction. Autohaemotherapy - administering to the patient his own blood Hairy Cell Leukemia the muscle under Electroencephalogram skin or in (as hemolyzed) intravenously. Audiometry - assess the level of hearing loss in an isolated room with the help of special tests and tuning fork. Asthenia (asthenia syndrome, impotence, weakness) - a condition characterized by ashram frequent changes of mood, tearfulness, insomnia, etc. Ascites - accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (abdominal dropsy). Acetonuria - here excretion of ketone bodies in urine, observed in diabetes, poisoning by acetone, starvation, etc. Asthma - an attack of asthma that develops either due to spasm of the bronchial tubes, or as a result of heart failure (predominantly left ventricular). Autoantibodies - antibodies produced by autoantigens. Autoimmune reaction - reaction to the autoantigen. May be innate. Details on high blood pressure ashram fistula - congenital or traumatic fistula (fistula) between the artery and vein, veduyuschee to the current arterial blood into the venous channel. Atresia of the anus - a violation of embryonic development of the fetus, in which there is no opening in the anus. Atresia choanae - one or two-sided bony or membranous septum between the nose and pharynx. Causes: heart failure, cirrhosis, peritonitis, etc. Atrioventricular block - a violation of the conduction of impulses from the atria to ashram ventricles at the atrioventricular node and atrioventricular bundle and its legs (may be full or part) the cause may be an Motor Vehicle Accident myocardial infarction, rheumatic heart disease, digitalis intoxication with drugs, Heaney-Din, myocarditis and myocardiopathy , congenital heart disease, etc. Aura - a kind of feeling, aura. Aphonia - the lack of sonority to vote while preserving the whispered speech. Asepsis - the here of measures aimed at prevention of infection: 1) the wounds, tissues, organs, body cavities at various (often surgical) manipulation, and 2) of prepared sterile solutions, ointments, etc. Autotransfusion - infusion of the patient's own blood, taken a few days before the operation. Artifact - a phenomenon not peculiar to the object of research and distort the results of the study. Arteriography - x-ray contrast study of the arteries. Atopy - the general name of allergic diseases in the development of which a significant role belongs to the hereditary predisposition to sensitization (eg, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, urticaria). Asphyxia (fetal asphyxia) - asphyxia that occurs in the fetus due to acute or chronic violations of uteroplacental or umbilical blood flow during asphyxia or pregnant women. Aspiration - 1) the entry of foreign substances into the airway during inspiration, 2) the procedure for suctioning the contents of the cavity or the 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA focus.
16 Ekim 2013 Çarşamba
Oral Product with Endospore
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